The third award I would like to present on this Awards week is the Princess Award! The sweet and adorable Sara from Swing the Day Away gave me this award a couple of weeks ago and I thought it was sooo nice of her! Thank you so much Sara for brightening my day and making me feel like a princess ;)
Ok, so here are the rules of the game:
1. With the award, you have to thank the person who gave it to you:
-Thank you Sara!!!! You are the the sweetest and cutest girl ever!!!
2. Your favorite writer:
-C. S. Lewis (The writer of The Chronicles of Narnia)
3. Favorite Designer:
-I actually don't have a favorite really. I'm more into buying inexpensive pieces and finding creative ways to wear them rather than focus on designer clothing... jeje I dunno, that's just me ;)
4. Favorite Book:
-I know this is going to sound lame but I love the Harry Potter series, the Twilight series, and the Chronicle of Narnia series... they are all just so magical and entertaining!
5. Something very emotional for you:
-In the past, I used to be very emotional and sensitive about my weight because I was in the modeling industry. But now I have learned to love myself regarding my size or weight ;)
6. Something you hate:
-Tomatoes... I seriously dislike the texture and flavor! jaja
7. And lastly, pass this award to the other bloggers you like most:
I wish I could pass this award to aaaaalll of you lovely readers that brighten my day, but in this case I will narrow it down to just 5:
Ok, so here are the rules of the game:
1. With the award, you have to thank the person who gave it to you:
-Thank you Sara!!!! You are the the sweetest and cutest girl ever!!!
2. Your favorite writer:
-C. S. Lewis (The writer of The Chronicles of Narnia)
3. Favorite Designer:
-I actually don't have a favorite really. I'm more into buying inexpensive pieces and finding creative ways to wear them rather than focus on designer clothing... jeje I dunno, that's just me ;)
4. Favorite Book:
-I know this is going to sound lame but I love the Harry Potter series, the Twilight series, and the Chronicle of Narnia series... they are all just so magical and entertaining!
5. Something very emotional for you:
-In the past, I used to be very emotional and sensitive about my weight because I was in the modeling industry. But now I have learned to love myself regarding my size or weight ;)
6. Something you hate:
-Tomatoes... I seriously dislike the texture and flavor! jaja
7. And lastly, pass this award to the other bloggers you like most:
I wish I could pass this award to aaaaalll of you lovely readers that brighten my day, but in this case I will narrow it down to just 5:
- Sal from Candycane IS married!
- Reva from Revas Rags 2 Roses
- Caroline fromChurch Sexy
- Taylor from Taylor Wears Everything
- Sharon from Elisharon
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