Sunday, July 31, 2011

Outfit of the week - Reader's Choice

July 25 (5)July 26 (7)
July 27 (10)July 28 (6)
July 29 (7)

Which is the best outfit of the week?
1. My favorite colored tights
2. Our new kitty: Little Tigger!
3. A happy monkey birthday to my boyfriend
4. Time for collar shirts
5. Blue Nails free polls

Last week's winner was... a tie!! Between:
July 18 (1)
Butterflies & Zigzags


July 23 (1)
Friends day in and day out

Thanks for the support everyone!

Blue Nails

July 29 (1)
July 29 (2)
July 29 (3)
July 29 (5)

When: Friday July 29, 2011

Floral dress: Madison (Panama)
Black jacket: Forever XXI
Scarf: Present from my boyfriend (NYC)
Sequin pumps: Zara
Black Liz Claiborne purse: TJ Maxx
Snake ring: From this seller on eBay
Swirly star ring: Claire's
Silver ring with black studs: Present from one of my best friends
Black mood ring: I've had this since forever.
Earrings: Present from my sister (From Estampa in Panama)

Work + Lunch with my friends + Hanged out watching TV with my boyfriend.

Sometimes I get in this very girly mood and decide to paint my fingernails. Usually I go for common colors like pink, red, or just natural. But today I felt sorda bold slash rocker and decided to paint my fingernails blue!
July 29 (6)
I remember when I was a teenager (and I went through this very slight all-I-wear-is-black stage), I would paint my fingernails all sorts of colors like black, blue, purple, and even green! I don't know if I'll ever be bold enough to paint my nails green again, but I'm liking blue again so who knows?

Do you paint your fingernails in uncommon colors? What are your favorite colors?

Here are all the ways in which I've worn this floral dress:
07 July 29

My Choice of Outfit of the week - Pattern mixing master

Outfit of the week - Blue Collar Catwalk
This week's outfit of the week goes to Kyla from Blue Collar Catwalk! This isn't the first time I choose Kyla as the best outfit of the week (no surprise there, she has an incredible sense of style). I have always admired Kyla's pattern mixing skills! The first time I featured her was for mixing checkers with a floral print... and now I am featuring her once more for pattern mixing! She just makes it look so effortless and chic... good job Kyla!

Time for Collar Shirts

July 28 (1)
July 28 (2)
July 28 (3)
July 28 (4)

When: Thursday July 28, 2011

Striped Ralph Lauren collar shirt: Ralph Lauren Outlet
White eyelet skirt: Stevens (Panama)
Beige pumps:
Yellow Xoxo purse: Xoxo store (Panama)
Brown belt: Madison (Panama)
Yellow ring: From this seller on eBay

Work + Relaxed at home reading a book.

As I was deciding what to wear today, I realized that I have several nice collar shirt that I almost never wear. This striped Ralph Lauren collar shirt, for example, has only been worn once and I got it last year!
July 28 (5)
Somehow I forget that these items exist in my closet so they never get worn. But I am going to put a bigger effort in wearing them from now on! I always feel so sophisticated and work-chic in a collar shirt.

Here are all the ways in which I've worn this collar shirt:
07 July 28

Thursday, July 28, 2011

DIY: Origami Duck

07 July 27 - Origami Duck (1)

For my boyfriend's birthday, I decided to make a cute birthday ducky made out of paper!! I saw this craft online a couple of weeks ago on this site, and I have been waiting for an opportunity to make it.

To make this adorable ducky, all you need to do is print two origami pages from this site. The site is in Japanese (I think, it might be a different language), so I don't understand anything that it says. But basically you print, cut, and glue things together. I sorda improvised and managed to make a decent job.
07 July 27 - Origami Duck (2)

I can't believe this ducky is made out of paper... so cute!

Let me know if any of you try this cute craft out! I plan on making the other origami models from this site on some other occasion :)

A Happy Monkey birthday to my boyfriend

July 27 (1)
July 27 (2)
July 27 (3)
July 27 (4)
July 27 (6)

When: Wednesday July 27, 2011

Black maxi skirt: Zara
Striped Ralph Lauren Polo: Ralph Lauren Outlet
Black belt: ? (Panama)
Sequin pumps: Zara
Red purse: Borrowed from my mom
Panda ring: From this seller on eBay

Celebrated my boyfriend's 23rd birthday!

Today we celebrated my boyfriend Alejandro's 23rd birthday! I threw him a small surprise party at my home (just him and my family) with cupcakes, balloons, presents, and other goodies. He was so surprised and happy!
July 27 (7)

Instead of a cake, I made him some delicious vanilla cupcakes with chocolate Nutella in the center (um... YUM!). They were super yummy (In fact, we already ran out... haha).
July 27 (8)

I also made sure to decorate everything with monkeys! (For all you new readers, my boyfriend and I call each other monkeys). I even made paper hats for all my monkey dolls (yeah, I'm childish like that) and I got him some monkey pajamas... haha. We had a blast!
July 27 (9)

Here are all the ways in which I've worn these black sequin pumps:
07 July 27

Our new kitty: Little Tigger!

July 25 (1)
July 25 (5)
July 25 (3)
July 25 (4)
July 25 (2)

When: Tuesday July 25, 2011

Gold dress: Target
Striped cardi: Forever XXI
Navy belt: Madison (Panama)
Gold heels: ? (Panama)
Red Liz Claiborne purse: TJ Maxx
Teardrop necklace and earrings: From this seller on eBay

Work + Organized some last minute things for my boyfriend's birthday which is tomorrow!

I want you all to meet a new member of our family: Little Tigger! Tigger is an adorable little kitty that we found crying of hunger in the storage area of our company. My brother and I felt so sorry for the little kitty that we decided to adopt it.
July 25 (6)
After cleaning him up and giving him all the appropriate injections, Tigger is a happy kitty living in our home. He is full of energy and likes playing with all sorts of items around the house. We are all having such a wonderful time playing with him. Plus, we all feel so good that we could give this nice kitty a family and a home.

Have you ever adopted an animal from the streets?

Here are all the ways in which I've worn this striped cardi:
07 July 25

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My favorite colored tights

July 24 (1)
July 24 (2)
July 24 (3)

When: Monday July 24, 2011

Dress: Zara
Burgundy tights: Forever XXI
Floral pumps: Payless Shoe Source
Faux pearl necklaces: Pasarela (Panama)
Off-White Liz Claiborne purse: Borrowed from my mom

Work + Helped my sister clean out her closet.

Although I have tights in almost every color (blue, purple, yellow, you name it); I always gravitate towards these burgundy tights I bought at Forever 21. I don't know what it is about the burgundy color that I feel it goes with everything!
July 24 (4)
Not only do I always tend to wear these tights, I also always tend to pair it with the same burgundy floral pumps... hehe. I guess some things are meant to be worn together.

Here are all the ways in which I've worn these burgundy tights paired with the burgundy floral pumps:
07 July 24